LED-UV curing lamps in UV printers

The integration of LED-UV curing lamps in UV printers represents a significant advancement in printing technology. These lamps utilize high-performance beads that emit UV light to cure inks almost instantaneously.

Comply with UL standards

The water-cooling system ensures that the temperature remains low, which is crucial for printing on heat-sensitive materials that could warp or degrade under high temperatures.

With a lifespan of approximately 40,000 hours, these lamps are designed for longevity, reducing the need for frequent replacements and thereby minimizing maintenance costs.

Moreover, the use of LED-UV lamps is an environmentally conscious choice. Unlike traditional mercury vapor lamps, LED-UV lamps do not contain toxic mercury and do not produce ozone during operation, making them safer for workers and less harmful to the environment. Adherence to UL standards further underscores the commitment to safety and quality, ensuring that these lamps meet rigorous regulatory benchmarks for performance and reliability.