9012 flatbed uv printer for poster

Customer in Australia purchased 9012 machine

This is one of our Australian customers in 2023

He said on social media, “Boxes printed on my JUColor UV printer. lnitially we had problems printing on the black cloth, asit absorbed the ink, Sprayed with a coat of sneakers protector and it now prints healthfully. Theresolution is amazing for a textured product.”

JUCOLOR uv printer has always been known for its excellent print quality, and as this customer described, its performance is even more amazing when printing some images with textures.

  • Print Model: CJ-UV9012ProPrint
  • Size: 90*120cm/3*4′ , 50cm/1.66′ max print height
  • Print Heads: 4 Pcs Ricoh G5i industry print heads
  • Ink Colors: 10-color, White+CMYK,LC,LM,Grey, LGrey,+Varnish
  • Drop Volume Size : 3.0 picolitre
  • Print Quality: Photo-level print-out
  • Resolution: 720*2400 DPI max resolutionInk Supply
  • system: Double Negative pressure ink supply system
  • RIP Software: USA Sai brand Flexi print 19
  • high gap printing distance: 10/14 mm max high gap print distance
  • Workable Medias: Bottles, Balls, Phone case, Pen, Puzzle,Tumbler, Button,PVC, Ceramic tile, Glass, Plastic, Leather, rubber, sign, Candle, Metal, Wood, Porcelain, ABS, Acrylic, Aluminum, Mugs,Marble, Granite, Toys, Glasses case, Surfboard, Shoes, Helmets, Electrical panels, Cabinets, Hairpins, Accessories, Cups, etc

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